Mob App Terms Condition

The Makarpura Ind Estate Co-Op Bank Ltd has started Mobile Banking / IMPS.

  • Fund transfer using MMID
  • Fund Transfer using IFT – (internal fund transfer between The Makarpura Ind Estate Co-Op Bank Ltd A/c)
  • Outward / Inward Transaction using IFSC and A/c No.
  • Online Cheque Book Request
  • Online Stop Payment of Cheque
  • Mini Statement Received
  • Detailed Statement Received
  • Online search Cheque with Cheque No.

Now you can transfer funds, Request for cheque book, Stop payment, View Statement etc.

Hurry….. Contact nearest Branch for Reqistration

  1. I/We agree to download to the Mobile Banking Software (Application) through App Store/Play Store or any other Mode.
  2. I/We confirm that I/We have read the “TERMS & CONDITIONS” governing the Mobile Banking Service.
  3. I/We shall not share the Login Password and/or MPIN with anyone and it is my/our responsibility to keep the same secret.
  4. I/We shall not store the Login Password and/MPIN in any form on the mobile handset. The complete security of above password is my/our responsibility.
  5. I/We are aware that I/We are required to subscribe to SMS or GPRS or 3G or 4G Services for availing the Mobile Banking Service. I/We shall be liable to pay charges to the Service Provider.
  6. If Bank will decide in future to recover Charges of Mobile Banking (IMPS) then I/We are Liable to Pay the Charges.
  7. Any Dispute relating to Mobile Banking Service Subject to Vadodara Jurisdiction only.

Terms & Conditions :

  1. Transaction initiated through Mobile Banking application are irrevocable. Bank shall not entertain any request for revocation of transaction or stop payment request for transaction initiated through Mobile Banking as the transactions are completely instantaneous and are incapable of being reversed.
  2. I/Customer shall not use Mobile Banking channel for transfer of funds for illegal activities.
  3. The Customer alone shall be responsible for the safe custody and security of Mobile Banking Application download on their mobile phones. The Customer shall immediately inform the bank about loss or theft of mobile phone for disabling of Mobile Banking Service to prevent unauthorized usage.
  4. The Customer shall NOT share the Login password and MPIN with anyone including Bank’s Staff /representative.
  5. The Customer shall operate within the maximum limit permitted by the bank for Mobile Banking. Bank reserves the right to change transaction limit at any time.
  6. The Bank shall not be liable / responcible for any loss caused to the customers arising out of usage of Mobile Banking.
  7. If any Connectivity Related issues and transaction declined due to failure of connectivity then bank is not liable.
  8. The Bank shall be at liberty to change/modify/add/remove any of the extant terms and conditions governing Mobile Banking.

Declaration :

I/We affirm, confirm and undertake that I/we have read and understood the Terms and Conditions for usage of The Makarpura Ind Estate Co-Op Bank Ltd . Mobile Banking services / IMPS and agree to them. I/We am/are aware that the usage of The Makarpura Ind Estate Co-Op Bank Ltd Mobile Banking is governed by the terms and conditions which are displayed on the site maintained by The Makarpura Ind Estate Co-Op Bank Ltd and I/we have read the contents of the same. Further, I/we accept the terms and conditions governing Mobile Banking of The Makarpura Ind Estate Co-Op Bank Ltd applicable for bank accounts as displayed on bank’s website only for viewing purpose. I/We accept and agree that I/we are aware of the contents of the terms and conditions and that all my/our rights and liabilities would be governed by the said terms and conditions by my/our act of accessing on I/we thereby agree to be subject to and comply with all the provisions of the terms and conditions which are incorporated by reference herein and deemed to be part of this application form to the same extent as if such provisions had been set forth in full herein.